HVAC Efficiency Tips in Canonsburg, PA

Rising Temps and Lower Bills: HVAC Efficiency Tips in Canonsburg, PA

July 6, 2021

As temperatures rise around Canonsburg, PA, air conditioners strain to keep up. This strain leads to rapidly climbing utility bills, especially if the system isn’t operating efficiently. Here are the best ways to keep utility costs under control, regardless of how hot the temperatures climb.

Reduce Ambient Heat Sources

Your home has many ambient heat sources, each adding strain on top of the seasonal heat. Keeping these ambient heat sources under control keeps the strain on your system down. Whenever possible, turn off these sources, or save them for cooler parts of the day:

  • Incandescent lights
  • Oven and stove
  • Anything with hot water
  • Computers and televisions

Watch When You Open Your Windows

While everyone loves natural lighting, windows are a major source of radiant heat in your home. Keep your shades closed when the sun shines directly on a window.

Open them up when the light is indirect but can still lighten up the room. Also, consider adding a film that helps reflect some solar radiation.

Program Your Thermostat

Keeping your temperature constant throughout the day needlessly raises your cooling costs. After all, most homes have a block of hours when no one is home to enjoy the cooler air. Program your thermostat 7 to 10 degrees higher during these blocks to help control your costs.

Have Your HVAC System Cleaned and Maintained

Neglecting maintenance causes your system to run longer when it cannot cool efficiently. The inefficiency happens because of airflow restrictions within the system at the air filter or evaporator coil. A technician cleans these areas during a maintenance visit to help keep air circulating freely.

They’ll also check the refrigerant level, another common cause of system strain when it’s too low. This helps avoid system freezes, which cause damage and lead to expensive AC repairs.

Keep your utility bills down as the temperatures rise this summer. Call to schedule your HVAC maintenance visit with one of the experts at Bruno Plumbing & Heating.

Image provided by iStock

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