Refrigerant Leak in Meadow Lands, PA

4 Signs of a Heat Pump Refrigerant Leak in Meadow Lands, PA

May 22, 2024

Low refrigerant levels cause heat pump issues such as running constantly, increased wear and tear, and high energy bills. Being aware of the signs of refrigerant leaks allows homeowners in Meadow Lands, PA to address the problem early. We’ll discuss four signs that could indicate your heat pump might have a refrigerant leak.

1. A Frozen Evaporator Coil

When your refrigerant leaks, the amount left struggles to absorb enough heat and warm the evaporator coil. Since the evaporator coil remains cold, the moisture on its surface freezes. This frozen moisture creates a barrier that obstructs the refrigerant from absorbing heat from your indoor air.

2. Weird Noises and Smells From Your Heat Pump

When your system’s refrigerant leaks, you may hear bubbling and hissing noises. A hissing sound occurs because the escaping fluid is in high pressure.

On the other hand, a bubbling noise occurs due to the entrance of air bubbles into the refrigerant lines. You may also detect a chemical-like smell when the fluid leaks.

3. High Energy Bills

A faulty heat pump consumes excessive energy. One of the issues that makes a heat pump consume too much energy is low refrigerant levels.

When your system lacks enough refrigerant, moving all the heat from your indoor air to the environment takes longer. A heat pump that works for long hours consumes too much energy. Schedule repair services for a technician to troubleshoot and fix the issues lowering your system’s energy efficiency.

4. Inconsistent Temperatures in Your House

Ideally, a heat pump should spread the cooled air evenly in your living space. Since low refrigerant levels reduce your heat pump’s capacity to cool all your indoor air, the system distributes a very small amount of cooled air in your house. This results in hot and cold spots in your home.

If you suspect that your heat pump has a refrigerant leak, call our heat pump experts at Bruno Plumbing & Heating to fix the issue. We work hard to ensure our clients are comfortable all year round.

Image provided by iStock

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